Our Childcare Belief
Our practice is underpinned by the principles of ‘Good Parenting’. We have all experienced parenting, either by our own parents, or their substitutes or perhaps by parenting our own children. Children and young people in care also have their own parents, and residential staff should not take any actions, which would suggest that they are trying to replace them.
Clearly, there are many different examples of parenting, and the children in care will have experienced a wide range of differing approaches. This will mean that many of them will be confused about parenting. It is essential that the staff team at Bay View Childcare have an agreed and consistent approach, for each individual. Although there is a collective responsibility for parenting shared by the staff team, key workers will have particular responsibilities for individual children. These will be set out clearly in individual care plans.
We believe that ‘Good Parenting’ is essential – it interprets the realities of the world for developing children until, as young adults, they can survive and flourish in the world by themselves.