Childcare Emergency Referrals
It is the policy at Bay View Childcare, to give consideration to requests for medium to long-term placements that are planned, and follow the referral process as already stated. It is not our normal practice to take emergency referrals. This being said, each referral will be looked at on its own merits, and therefore does not exclude the possibility of discussing a request for a placement that has a need for urgent attention.
- Any consideration given to a request for an immediate placement must be done within the following framework, and must strictly adhere to the same criteria, as would apply to a planned placement.
- The referring authority must give a detailed ‘pen picture’ of the young person, their circumstances, their needs, and the reasons why there is a need for immediacy.
- The Manager will fax referral papers to the social worker. They must be completed and emailed back, along with other relevant information, immediately.
- On receipt of the completed paperwork, the Manager will consider the appropriateness of the placement, taking into consideration the availability of a bed, but most importantly, the impact on the other residents, and whether a placement is appropriate.
- Under no circumstances will a place be offered without the relevant paperwork being completed in full, returned and considered.
- If we decide that the placement would be appropriate, then we must receive a completed and signed contract in respect of funding.
- There must be a minimum of 8 hours between the initial request for a placement and the child being admitted. This is presuming that the referral has been made in the morning.
- No child will be admitted unless the social worker provides us with the following paperwork at the point of admission: Essential Information Parts 1 & 2, Placement Agreement Parts 1 & 2 and Care Plan.
- A Planning Meeting must take place, either at the point of admission or within the following 24 hours.
- Failure to fulfil all of the above may result in the offer of a placement being terminated prior to, or at the point of admission.